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Class-by-Class Plans and Bibliography

By clicking the “Bibliography” button above, you’ll download a document that includes the citations for the 10 assigned readings students have during this five-week unit.

Each of these readings is available on the course’s Blackboard site in .pdf form.

As noted in the course calendar (located to the left), most of these readings also require a QQC, which stands for “Question, Question, Comment.”  Upon completing a reading that requires a QQC, students will post two questions and one comment about the reading within the designated “QQC” page on the course’s Blackboard site.

These questions and comments are valuable for three reasons:  (1) they let me know whether students are keeping up with the reading, (2) they require that students read texts through a critical lens, and (3) they provide questions, areas, and avenues for us to explore during class discussions.  With the latter, this is the students’ opportunity to ask questions and dictate our discussion of the assigned reading(s).

To the left, you’ll find the course calendar for this five-week unit, which includes an outline for each class and the homework due for the subsequent class.

By clicking the “Class-by-Class” button above, you’ll download a document that outlines the course calendar for this five-week unit on Remediation, Remix, New Media, Copyright, and Fair Use.

This five-week unit is the second of three units that comprise a 15-week upper-level course titled “Writing and Editing in Print and Online” (WEPO).  WEPO is one of three core gateway courses for Florida State’s Editing, Writing, and Media (EWM) major.

The primary purpose of WEPO includes helping students (1) understand principles of composing, especially the way they function across different composing spaces; (2) compose for each of three spaces—print (including posters, newsletters, and pamphlets), screen, and network; and (3) edit and revise appropriately the texts created in each space. 

The calendar is adjusted to a two-class-per-week schedule.  Each class period includes a table with two columns:  the first includes the outline for that day’s course; the second includes the homework (HW) for the subsequent class period.

To get a better understanding of the assigned free writes, in-class exercises, and journals mentioned within the calendar, visit the “Exercises” page.

To the right, you’ll find the Bibliography for the assigned readings that are highlighted within the homework (HW) section of the calendar.

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